A fungicide treatment against dry rot fungus

To eradicate dry rot fungus, identifying the source of the moisture problem responsible for the fungus’ development, a diagnosis should be carried out by a professional to determine whether contaminated areas should be scraped and/or burned. The woods will then be surveyed to determine whether they need to be replaced. Finally, wooden materials and masonry can be treated with a suitable fungicide solution. As a preventive measure, application will form a barrier to prevent the development of dry rot fungus. Its curative action is immediate, preventing the fungus from regaining activity and spreading.

SYNERKEM® an innovative technology to combat dry rot fungus

SYNERKEM® technology, developed by Groupe Berkem, significantly reduces the biocide content of formulas while maintaining the product’s initial efficacy. This innovative plant technology is the fruit of the Group’s R&D expertise in plants. Used in the XILIX® 2000 formula, SYNERKEM® deactivates the fungus’s defensive substances (mycotoxins). This makes it even more difficult for the fungus to destroy the fungicide. Thanks to the action of this innovative plant solution, the concentration of fungicide is reduced while maintaining equivalent efficacy.

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